LOL: A fan mockery of Riot and creates the Skin of the Crack of the Laundering more expected by the community

Messed up King: A League of Legends Story is a royal tour video clip game edited by Riot Games and established by Aircraft Organization, situated in the globe of League of Legends. It came out in November 2021 on Windows, Nintendo Switch Over, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

10-Year Anniversary Celebration | Riot Pls: 10th Anniversary Edition - League of Legends League of Legends Every time you have more and better events, but there is a celebration that the community has missed in recent years. The developers no longer prepare great surprises for the Christmas season and have even finished by not introducing the modified versions of the invoked crack into the title. However, before the inaction of Riot Games has emerged an alternative in the community that brings back to the game the emblematic snow-covered map.

A Christmas map created by the League of Legends community

With the premise of having achieved what a multi-million dollar company could not do, a community Skins creator has launched a snow-covered version of the map that adapts to the new versions of the summoner crack. A creation in record time for which it has been prepared in just a few weeks taking into account the recent incorporation of the new dragons to the game and that works almost perfectly, receiving constant patches for the small occasional mistakes that players suffering from.

With this creation, the player wanted to respond to the justification of Riot Games about why there are no longer modified versions of the summary crack in League of Legends. The developer assured that they consume too many resources for the short time that appear in the game. A problem that was added that of the changes to the map that requires additional efforts to comply with clarity parings.

Probably Riot Games would carry out a few additional changes to introduce these maps in League of Legends. However, does not seem to be such a complicated process considering the acceptable results achieved by this member of the community with just a few weeks of work. The community skins are relatively popular among the players, and every time they tighten the nuts to the developer.

In case you ask if you use these skins created by the community is legal, they are in a somewhat gray area of ​​ the under your own risk. In recent years, only the Korean server has received sanctions for this practice. However, developers reserve the right to avoid their operation and under no circumstances, personalized aspects that replicate payment content available in League of Legends can be used.
