LOL: Riot's trick to create skills that causes the strangest interactions of the game

Wrecked King: A League of Legends Tale is a 2021 turn-based role-playing computer game created by Aircraft Syndicate and also released by Riot Forge. A spin-off to Riot Games' League of Legends, Wrecked King utilizes personalities as well as a setting originating in its parent title. The game is set in Bilge water, a busy pirate city, and also the Darkness Isles, a cursed area filled up with a damaging pressure called the Black Mist. The player controls a party of six personalities from League of Legends to discover the resource of the Black Mist. Originally exposed in 2019 during the 10th wedding anniversary celebration of League of Legends, Ruined King's launch was delayed as an outcome of the COVID-19 pandemic. A launch date was not provided by the programmer or author up until it was introduced, along with Hex tech Mayhem, on November 16, 2021, for Microsoft Windows, the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Change and Xbox One. It is in reverse suitable with the PlayStation 5 as well as Xbox Collection X/S, with totally free upgrades to the native versions to be readily available in the future.

Riot finally added this feature to the game!

In order to maintain the arrival of news to League of Legends, Riot Games has created its own tricks that allow you to speed up the development of champions. The new characters or reworks are very expensive, and the production team has had to be improvising tricks that allow it to streamline the process. Among them very particular who use endless programmers and that, although it allows us to enjoy many more changes, you can also play a very bad pass to players because of the strange interactions that cause.

This is how the League of Legends skills are created

Riot August, one of the developers that most communicates with the community, confirmed in a live broadcast that almost all League of Legends' skills are modifications of others with similar effects. Thus, when a new spell is created, what Riot Game workers are looking for is one who has more similarities with which they want to design, making a kind of 'copy and paste' from which to carry out adjustments. A very common way to facilitate the process.

In particular VI development, this process resulted in its definitive (cease and withdrawal) was a modified version of the Ultimate of Nautilus (loading the depths). However, there are champions with more outstanding cases. For example, August explained that Real is the father of many of the skills that exist in the game. From the mystical shot of it emerged most of the spells consisting of projectiles. From it, the ¡Zap was designed! Of Jinx, who subsequently served as a model to create the deadly flourish of join or the last embrace of Senna.

Although the process is not necessarily negative, this practice explains some of the most common mistakes that we are in League of Legends and is probably related to the last one that has surprised the community. In it, we see as a Thresh hook is able to reach Bard Meets, when they are a unity that should be impossible to hit when coded as a simple passive surrounding the champion.

However and thanks to what we have learned, it is easy to find the solution to this inexplicable bug. Most likely, Champion's passive will have been created using the ELISE spiders model. Something that had not given problems so far, but due to any adjustment or correction in another system of the game, it has created this new interaction that skips the rules established for the champion when it was initially developed.

Fortunately, most of the problems generated with this way of creating skills are easy to resolve. However, even among Riot Games employees there may be surprises when finding some strange interactions to which the method results. In the case of this programming failure with Bard, it was one of those responsible for adjusting League of Legends that notified that it would soon be resolved, not without first adding a oh mother...

