Survival SLG "Above Snakes" KickStarter campaign of western development era motif starts! Battle with zombies and survive while expanding the world

Publisher Crytivo and Indie Developer Tobias Schnackenberg launched the KickStarter campaign of Survival Simulation Above Snakes .

This work is a fictional world's survival game with a motif of the western development age. The players must survive while doing adventures, architecture, collection, etc. to the world where dead people who die due to the fall of meteorites are resurrected from the grave to zombies.

Survival life has many elements such as exploring buildings, crafts, battles with zombies and wildlife, agriculture and cooking. It is also characterized by a system that places terrain tiles when reaching the end of the area. The combination of terrain seems to develop various bonuses, and repeating impossible terrain, it seems to develop a shortage of resources.


In the Kickstarter campaign, the game is available at the 17 euros. According to the campaign page, the build from pre-alpha to Beta from the pre-alpha to beta seems to be scheduled for 2023 releases.

The KickStarter campaign of Above Snakes is held until February 19, 2012, 2022.
