Lol: the unfair exception of Riot with the flash and the reason why he will never change

League of Legends has criteria of all kinds to increase the popularity of each of its elements. When a champion is selected too much or is just selected, it receives changes. The same happens with most invoker objects and spells. It is true that the developer may take more to act with these less protagonist elements. However, it is a matter of time looking for ways that everything is seen from time to time in the games. The intention of Riot Games is that the game is as varied as possible, but there is a great exception that the company's rules are highlighted.

Riot Spent YEARS On A League of Legends Game Mode That

The great exception of Riot Games with flash

Flash is used by 94.6% of players in all classification items played on official Riot Games servers and there is not much difference in their use between the different existing ranges in the game. Even relatively popular alternatives such as using teleportation with garment are marginal, reaching just 1% use. Only a few concrete champions like Shaco or Hecarim can afford to play systematically without using the flash, explaining a good part of that 5.4% of the occasions in which someone could decide not to take the invoker spell in question. However, Riot Games not only has not changed it since 2012 , but does not think to do it in the future.

In one of its many live retransmissions, a member of the community asked Riot August why no invoker spells were added. A situation that gave rise to a very interesting reflection in which cataloged the "summoners" as one of the most difficult spaces to add novels . This is due to the lack of alternatives since, although there are two spaces to choose them, most of the League of Legends champions do not have much margin of choice when having a spell or two created for their category of champions or role in the departure. However, there is another additional reason.

" I could do an invoker spell that competes with the flash in a week. That is easy. It is easy to do something so strong, but there is a problem: the flash is fun (...) _ It is very fun. Make the game much better. If we do something that can compete with him we have to think if he makes the game better than when everyone used it. If the answer is no, we should never add the new spell. That is why the flash has its statistical privileges and we do not care that 99% of the players or 99% of the champions use it, "August explained.

The truth is that both the spectacular moves and the great faults of League of Legends are usually related to this invoker spell . A privilege that Riot Games does not intend to change and let it clear about one of its biggest inconsistencies. We will not be we present complaints on this occasion.
