LOL - Patch 12.10: All changes to champions, objects and systems announced by Riot

Riot Games prepares to introduce in League of Legends One of the most important changes in history. In the next patch 12.10 the developer plans to increase the durability of the champions, so that they can better resist damage. The company's objectives are to make longer fights and give more space to the players to counteract rival movements. However, the process to achieve this is much more complicated than it seems and the company has announced about 30 changes that will affect all the elements of the game.

The patch that will change League of Legends forever

The magnitude of this transformation is so great that we have even had the opportunity to know these adjustments when there are still more than two weeks to join the game. All part of an initial change that will affect all the champions equally and has generated a chain reaction to which Riot Games has wanted to act in a quite forecast way . Let's see below what the master adjustment is.

To this situation, we must add an additional adjustment that affects all the elements of the game and that allow us to begin to see the domino effect. As there is less effective damage, the priests must be minor or would be too powerful and how the priests are minor you have to reduce the serious injuries or the same would happen.

ALL Champions are getting buffed! | Patch 12.10 | League of Legends |

Changes to systems

At this time we reach the settings that the game systems will receive. As instead of carrying out a direct reduction in the damage, the champions statistics have been increased, it is necessary to adjust to the Baron Nashor and the Torretas to remain a threat.

Changes to objects

From here it is where a battery of changes arrives that will affect objects. The first that we are going to analyze are those of theft of life or omnisuction. In general terms we can understand that these items will reduce 10% of the healing offered to the champions, although Riot Games has rounded up .

Interestingly, an improvement has been made to mana regeneration objects.

Also The penetration of armor or magical resistance of some objects or its percentage damage values has been reduced.

Finally, we review the change to a rune that we have left pending.

Patch 12.10 will arrive in League of Legends on May 25 according to the official Riot Games calendar. However, these are not all adjustments. The developer has promised that together with these will arrive improvements to the regeneration of Maná and changes to the champions that require it . In addition, developers assume that the process will last several versions and have promised that there will be a 12.10b version to work on this great transformation.
