Lol - The problem of tenacity: the most exclusive mechanics that Riot does not want to change
League of Legends It is a balanced, but not symmetrical game. Players who use attack champions have always wanted to have permanent access to the Zhonya sand watch, the passionate of the skill power envy to have an effective life theft system and the tanks spent a season asking for some Maná. Riot Games distributes the statistics of the items based on the different classes to the classes to which they are intended to contribute to the balance of the game and in most cases it is quite understandable what is the design decision.
Riot Games's limitations to tenacity
However, there are several item whose statistics have been constantly criticized by the community. The last to do so, reviving the debate, has been Mauro Garih . The current strategic coach of Barça Esports commented on social networks: “He hated the fact that the control effects are related to magical damage and that champions who want to reduce them (through tenacity or active skills) are forced to buy to buy Magic resistance to obtain them. Mercury boots and mercury fajín have a bad design. ”
Tenacity is one of the statistics to which champions have access and their effect is to reduce the duration of control effects by a certain percentage. The problem is that in all League of Legends there are only four items, two runes, a champion and an invoker spell that grant tenacity. There is no other existing element on which we can make such a short list . However, there are still more problems. The list is artificially expanded with active elements that barely offer us this statistic for a few seconds. If we eliminate them, the only sources are...
- Mercury boots (+30%)
* Eye of solar fire (+5% per legendary object)
* Mercury fajin (despite not contributing tenacity, we include it in the list when cleaning control effects)
* Tenacity legend (+5-30%)
* Unwavering (+10-30%)
The worst mechanics designed by Riot Games?
In response to the situation, there is an obvious first conclusion. Riot Games is not comfortable working with tenacity. However, ensure that there is a bad design would not be entirely fair . League of Legends tenacity systems are created in such a way that most champions have a source with which they can reach 30% without exceeding it. This is thanks to the shortage of items and a mathematical formula that naturally punishes the combination of more than two elements that provide this statistic making them less effective.
Riot Games achieves this by dividing tenacity into arbitrary types so that the accumulation of tenacity thanks to items of different types is less profitable. We can see it below:
In case of introducing too many objects, a combination capable of widely exceeding the false limit of 30% would occur without giving up any key element in the construction of objects. It is a capacity that tanks already have, which can accumulate up to 80% tenacity. With them there are no big problems, since their function is to resist blows and defend classmates trying to receive as many impacts of the paralysis of rivals as possible. However, Riot Games does not want under any circumstances that this capacity reaches other champions . Can you imagine what would happen if a Morgana prison only affected Zeri for 0.6 seconds? That is the dimension of the effects of tenacity.
In this sense, the community may have a part of reason. The current tenacity design and its objects is far from being perfect. However, it is very likely that we can consider it as the less bad alternative that could exist in League of Legends. Riot Games is tied from hands because of the functioning of the system and, simply, has used logic: if most of the champions with long control effects are of skill power, let's make the few items that can existence contribute magical resistance.
In case of introducing too many objects, a combination capable of widely exceeding the false limit of 30% would be given to without giving up any key element in the construction of objects. It is a capacity that tanks already have, which can accumulate up to 80% tenacity. With them there are no big problems, since their function is to resist blows and defend the rivals trying to receive as many impacts of the paralysis of the rivals as possible. However, Riot Games does not want under any circumstances that this capacity reaches other champions. Can you imagine what would happen if a Morgana prison only affected Zeri for 0.6 seconds? That is the dimension of the effects of tenacity.
In this sense, the community may have a part of reason. The current tenacity design and its objects is far from being perfect . However, it is very likely that we can consider it as the less bad alternative that could exist in League of Legends. Riot Games is tied from hands because of the functioning of the system and has simply used logic: if most of the champions with long control effects are of skill power, let's make the few items that may exist contribute magical resistance . It is true that there could be re-form changes, but work would be immense . Introducing an object of tenacity and armor, for example, would force the League of Legends work team to balance characters such as Renekton or Darius, who use small control effects to enable the rest of their skills.
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