LOL: The change suggested by the community that feeds Riot Games's great obsession

The League of Legends community has been directly responsible for some of the changes that have reached the game. Design details that the developer overlooked or that did not believe too important were modified thanks to the suggestions of the players. Riot Games usually pays enough attention to suggestions. A great example is the recent update to durability, a work of several months that was largely motivated by the insistence of users. A situation that now, with a much less ambitious but very interesting adjustment could take place again.

A small change to reinforce Riot Games's great obsession

The suggestion in question is related to vision guardians and their interaction with the oracle lens. The players consider that the silhouette of the sentries when revealed by the well-known red trenches are too confusing. This problem is caused by the Wards skins, which have unique silhouettes and can sometimes be similar to those of the smallest champions of the game or confuse with another element. There are even sentries with a reputation to produce these types of situations, the following being the following...

  • Your Highness The Crab
  • Skt T1 Kkoma
  • Sad mummy

САМЫЕ Without being the only ones, the truth is that the contours and the distortion caused by the oracle lens have given the occasional scare to the League of Legends players. The change seems reasonable, especially when Riot Games is so obsessed with the clarity of the video game . The developer has carried out complete visual updates to certain champions just for thinking that it did not meet the minimum required. In this way, the silhouette of the sentries is modified at an unreasonable manner or that some type of indicator is added.

However, the community has pointed out this problem on some other occasion without the ears of developers. It is true that Riot Games is very prudent with any alteration related to the sale of skins , but it is difficult to think that someone really cares that his sentry does not look different in such a concrete situation. In addition, when a cosmetic can offer advantages they are usually very forceful. In this sense, it is a matter of waiting and seeing if this time the change is included in the list of developer priorities.
