LOL: This champion has more changes than patches since his departure and demonstrates Riot's big problem

If there is a champion today who does not stop going from one place to another in terms of alterations in their statistics, that is Zeri. Zau's spark has suffered changes 12 times, while only 9 patches have been made in League of Legends since her arrival to the invoker's crack. Riot Games is still struggling to integrate it into the goal of season 12 in a healthy way , because this champion has the ambition to build a bridge between Lol and Valorant through the game her. After her launch, Riot August declared that Zeri's goal was to remember the FPS game, playing a game of shooting always in motion.


more than regular changes

Since her launch in January, Zeri has only dodged changes in 4 patches . The kit of her did not change during patches 12.8 and 12.9, which were the only two patches in a row in which she received no change. The Victories of it in Soloq has oscillated between 59% (in the high) and 39% in the most painful nerfs. Just say that Riot Games is struggling to find the perfect formula.

The explosive q-fuego of it has already been modified to 6 times . Her E-Subida of tension of it is the second most changed ability with 7 buffs and nerfs , while the r-ray show of it occupies the first place with * *9 changes . The basic attacks of Zeri and the W-Ultradescarga Laser have also undergone multiple changes.

The most important changes of it * of a fall in her life. A few months later, in the patch 12.11, her four spells and her basic attacks were again nerfted.

In the next patch , the q of Zeri willchange again. Instead of increasing the damage to objectives with less than 35% of life, she will execute objectives with between 60 and 150 of life (depending on the level of Zeri). She will also be reducing The impact damage of the definitive * of her.

Changes since its launch

  • 12.2: Zeri comes out
  • R review
  • 12.3: Changes in their base statistics, automatic attacks, Q, E, R and error correction
  • 12.4: Changes in their autoatakes as well as in their Q, W and R
  • 12.5⁠: Changes in its base statistics, automatic attacks, q, w and r
  • Hotfix
  • 12.7: Changes in their base statistics and all its skills
  • Hotfix in its base statistics and all its skills
  • 12.10: Changes in your statistics
  • 12.11: Changes in their self-Ataques and all its skills
  • Hotfix in his autoatakes, q and e
  • 12.12: Changes in their statistics and W
  • Review of your R
  • 12.14⁠: Changes in her self-tank and R

It is not necessary to say that the champion now seems destined to join Ryze and other champions in Riot's eternal problems : o The champion will be too strong or extremely bad , but he will never find himself In a middle ground, or a partial or total review of its kit is carried, which would be one of the fastest ever seen in a champion.
