LOL: Ultimate Spellbook's perfect combo that shows how a canceled skill worked

Although we all wanted to see some more variety, the game modes of League of Legends are very interesting. Riot Games offers us as players the possibility of experiencing how our favorite champions could be by having other skills or effects that will in no way have in the invoker crack. Of course, everything is much more broken and gives rise to great combinations capable of offering us some of the most spectacular moments we have seen in the title.


The Ultimate Spellbok combo that relives a canceled ability

One of the most interesting moments in this regard is the one that starred in two players who achieved a very particular union . They linked a rang that had the definitive one from Ekko to a Yuumi who could launch Skarner's Ultimate. The combo made both intractable. While the Support suppressed the enemy champions, the jungle made everyone move through the map to be isolated. Synergy is perfect and, of course, the result was always a very simple decline to get.

The truth is that the combo looks spectacular and this type of combinations is one of the reasons why we continue to play alternative game modes that come to League of Legends. However, the idea of these players is particularly interesting because before them Riot Games had. As the developers have revealed years after its launch, the definitive Ekko was going to have this additional function . The champion would not only return to his position four seconds ago recovering life, but he could kidnap his rivals as they do in this play.

Riot Games eliminated the ability and, although the reasons did not transcend, the excessive power that meant being able to take someone in such a simple way seems a more than plausible explanation. However, alternative game modes are in League of Legends to precisely give rise to this type of creative combinations that have no place in competitive games.


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