LOL: The interesting application created by a fan that puts Riot against the strings

Whenever we talk about applications created by the community of League of Legends we refer to them as great ideas that come to meet many of the needs of the players. In the end, dedicating so many hours offers fans a very clear perspective about what improvements they would help them enjoy their game sessions. However, there are times when the interests of users collide with those of Riot Games. A situation that has taken place with a tool that promises to put the developers between the sword and the wall.

A magnificent application that clashes with Riot Games's philosophy

Riot The application we are talking about is a script. However, we should not think about it as a tool that allows you to obtain advantages in the game. What it does is execute commands with the keyboard and mouse that automatically complete the champions selection phase. In this way, players could be absent and still accept the game. So far the application was not particularly novel. However, the improvement is that can also ban a champion and select our character automatically . Dangerous functions that give rise to a good number of problems.

Many members of the community have been interested in using this application, considering that they can devote themselves to other things in time waiting for their items. Especially in the highest MMR levels of the game, the waiting time is very high and spend ten or fifteen minutes in front of the computer simply waiting can be a real boredom. In addition, The script takes into account many interesting aspects , such as not banning the champions that the rest of the team have selected in the prior phase to the ban or a sound alarm that reminds us that the game has begun.

In this sense, it seems an application that could help many players. Having to attend a phone call or carry out some task between the games would be much more bearable and it would not make us waste time or have to run to the computer for the selection phase. However, and unless something has changed in the developer, it is not something that Riot Games will accept and it is even likely that making use of the application can result in a permanent sanction for our game account for incompatibilities with the Video game antitramp system.

There is another great reason why Riot Games is against of this type of applications. From the developer they consider the phase of choice of champions as another stage of the games that, although many are not taken seriously, can be crucial. Choosing our champions based on the enemy team and taking into account our teammates can significantly increase our victory options. In this sense, it is acceptable that a player does not understand the importance or does not develop well at this stage, but not that an automated system makes decisions.

In addition to this situation and the problem mentioned with the possible automatic baneos of the antitrampas system, Riot Games is a fairly strict company in its philosophy . For example, League of Legends does not allow us to show ourselves as disconnected for our friends. A situation that forces us not to recommend the use of the application in question. It is true that sometimes it could be interesting, but the risk is not worth it and, even if it is an unpopular decision, it does not seem that Riot Games will change his mind about it.

