LOL: The great gift of a fan to a Riot employee asking a great improvement to his favorite champion

League of Legends developers are constantly found with all kinds of community requests, and we are not referring only to the type of changes requesting the players. There are too aggressive fans that call them incompetent in their suggestions and others that bet on a somewhat more comprehensive tone or look for the average. However, the ones that most attract attention are those that are part of a third category. We refer to those that are so original capable of making their requests become a viral phenomenon within Riot Games.

A gift that wants to convince Riot Games


Although it is not a common phenomenon, an anonymous player has starred in one of these particularly curious cases, making a request through a gift. Somehow, the fan in question sent a package by mail to Riot Phlox . This company's employee is one of the main responsible for the balance of the champions or the introduction of great changes in the game systems such as those that will arrive in the 2023 preseason. Of course, it has sufficient authority to, at least, suggest everything Type of changes. In this sense, he considered that he was the right person for his particular entertainment.

As we can see in the images, the player in question decided to send him a cushion in which he puts make a half-range update to Karma if you are sexy on the one hand and the name of Riot Games employee on the other. Something that is surely strange this employee, but that was taken with good humor on social networks. Ok, then someone sent me a pussy asking for a‘ Midscope ’for Karma... a bold strategy Bajaj, Phlox wrote. Soon, Other company employees joined the reactions asking them to also reach the suggestions in such a funny way.

However, the best of all is that perhaps the player sees the wishes of him. The truth is that Karma seems to take time in the list of pending works by Riot Games and the developer even changed the official website of the champion suggesting novelties. However, it seems that the project, which consisted of adapting it to its version of Wild Rift, was in the inkwell indefinitely. Perhaps related to the cushion or not, I would not surprise to see how one of the most outdated characters of League of Legends receives some affection from the company.
