LOL: The new double jungle strategy that breaks the preseason and will soon flood the rankeds

Riot Games proves the news of League of Legends for months before they even arrive at the BE. The developer has an analysis team that reviews the additions playing games on the company's internal servers and studying the possible dangers that its introduction could have. However, just a few thinking heads-very bright as they are-are not enough to prevent the ideas that millions of players from all over the world will have when they have access to new objects or champions. Something that has demonstrated again with the arrival of the 2023 preseason.

The strategy that endangers the League of Legends rates

The strategy basically consists of the use of two champions in the jungle. However, we are not talking about a change in the distribution of team roles. There will still be a single champion in the upper lane, another clean neutral camps, the third in the central area and the remaining two members sharing the Bot Lane. The grace of the approach is to make both the MID LATER and the jungle exchange their positions at various times of the game with the objective that two characters take advantage of the new items introduced specifically in this position and linked to crushing.

To carry out the strategy, both the central lane and the jungle must select crush as an invoked spell and the steps from the start of the game are the following:

  1. The Jungle and the Mid Later begin normally, buying their usual objects. Under no circumstances, the central lane must start the meeting with the pet.
  2. Once the jungle has achieved the first improvement of crushing (20 loads), the Mid Later returns to base and buy the pet. The jungle stays in the central lane.
  3. When the champion who started the game as Mid Later also gets 20 loads, the change is made again.
  1. Once the champion who started the game as a jungle completes the burden of his object, goes to the Mid-Lane until his ally also completes the pets of the pet.


If everything goes well, shortly after the 20th minute both characters should have been able to complete the burden of their object and will not have lost too much gold along the way. Although we may suffer penalties, the accumulated loads of the jungle item (which offer more gold if we spend time without farmers) will compensate. Thus, both will pay much better than normally from this point. The control of the neutral objectives of League of Legends is also optimized, regardless of whether we talk about elementary dragons, the old man Baron Nash or himself.

The strategy has as a weak point the fact that it is difficult to execute and can make the line phase very complicated in exchange for a long-term improvement. However, when players who carry it out manage their little disadvantage in the early game, they benefit from a hardly improvable scaling that also leaves them in a great position from the tactical point of view. The control of epic monsters is very important in League of Legends games, especially at the highest level, where this strategy is expected to work better.

